BJJ Starter’s Guide

brazilian jiu jitsu

I grew up before it only took seconds to learn something through Googling, so learning about martial arts was not easy for me. Back then, you either had formal training, or you learned the way of the master, through the stereotypes in movies.  Times have changed, and you don’t have to commit to the martial … Read more

The BJJ Belt System

black belt and gi

When I was younger, I used to think that all martial arts used the same belt system. I was under the impression that a white belt meant you were a beginner, a black belt made you a master, and there was nothing more to it. I was wrong. For one, it’ll never be as simple … Read more

Boxing vs. MMA

fighter entering a ring

Our match-up today is boxing vs. MMA. The battle between boxing and MMA isn’t just a competition of strength; it’s a rivalry. Think of it as you would a singing contest between Aretha Franklin and Taylor Swift. One is classic, the other popular and appealing to the kids of today. Our defending champion today is … Read more

Muay Thai vs. BJJ

hand wrap

I often get the question, “which martial art is the best?” I’m not always sure how to answer it because martial arts vary considerably, and each has its own strength. I’m just as curious as to the answer to this question, so I’ve decided to compare them. It’s one thing to match karate and kung-fu, … Read more

Best Martial Arts for Self-Defense

two men practice self defense technique

I’ve been in situations where I’ve had to protect myself. I know what it’s like to be defenseless and inexperienced. I’ve also seen how big a difference it can make when you actually know how to fight. Not everyone has this knowledge, and that’s why I want to help. One of the martial arts’ greatest … Read more

How to Box

man with beard boxing

Growing up, boxing was all the rage. You’d have been hard-pressed to find a boy who didn’t want to learn how to box. It was marketed as the most bad-ass sport of them all, and caused a lot of unnecessary injury because of it. If you want to learn how to box, the first step … Read more

What Is Shadow Boxing?

Shadow boxing sounds like an ancient form of ninja martial arts, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, I can’t teach you how to fight the forces of darkness. Shadow boxing is much simpler: It’s fighting with an imaginary opponent, for the purpose of training and fitness. Even if you’ve never tried it, you’ve certainly seen it in action. … Read more

What Size Boxing Gloves Should I Get?

So, you’re interested in taking up boxing and now you need to get some gloves. You’ve found a few options that interest you, but what size do you get? Does size really matter? Whether it’s just training or you intend to compete, having comfortable gloves will not only make you feel good, but it will … Read more

How to Clean Boxing Gloves: Discover the Complete Guide

red boxing gloves, hand wraps

Have you ever opened your gym bag only to be greeted by the pungent smell of yesterday’s workout? The only thing in there was your boxing gloves, so they must be the culprits. We think they’re trying to tell you that they needed to be cleaned. A lack of airflow, trapped heat and moisture, and … Read more

How Many Rounds In Boxing?

boxer waiting

Boxing is no different to soccer, hockey or basketball in that a match has a predetermined and set structure. If you don’t understand how a boxing match works, it could seem random, or even nonsensical from the outside. Once you delve into the rules of boxing, you’ll see that they are simple to grasp and … Read more